Articles by Topic or Issue (Court Continued)

Court Continued

  1. What Happens and What's the Purpose of a Preliminary Hearing?

  2. What Advantage Is There to Waiving a Preliminary Hearing?

  3. What Happens During a Probation Violation Hearing?

  4. What Is a Misdemeanor Pre-Trial Hearing? What Happens?

  5. What Is a Felony Preliminary Hearing Setting Conference?

  6. Should I Waive a Jury Trial and Instead Have a Bench Trial?

  7. Should I Appeal? What Is the Standard the Court Applies?

  8. Can I Disqualify the Judge If I Think He or She Is Prejudiced?

  9. Can't I Tell the Judge & Prosecutor That I'm a Good Person!?

  10. May a Judge Disqualify Public Defender without a Conflict?

  11. Is the Prosecution Allowed to Add Charges During Trial?

  12. Must Defendant Be Present in Court If There Is a Trial?

  13. Can a Criminal Trial Proceed without Defendant Present?

  14. Is It a Right to Have My Family in Court During Sentencing?

  15. Is Shackling Defendant with Leg Restraints During Trial OK?

  16. May a Judge Remove an Unruly Defendant from the Courtroom?

  17. Will the Judge and / or Jury Be Told I Am an Illegal Alien?

  18. May the DA Comment upon My Sexual Orientation to the Jury?

  19. When Can the Dismissal of Certain Jurors Be Illegal?

  20. Must the Jury to Agree upon Only One Theory of Murder?

  21. What Are Attorney Objections to Evidence in Court?

  22. Mistrial Granted When DA Asks Over 100 Leading Questions

  23. Must a Judge Always Give Option of Lesser Included Offense?

  24. The Federal Court Interpreters Act & Waiver of Interpreter

  25. What Is a “Trial Tax?” Why Should I Consider This?

  26. What Is a STATIC-99 Report? How Is It Used and Why?

  27. Conviction for Dissuading Witness for Gang Benefit Reversed

  28. Dissuading a Witness by Invoking Muslim Custom As Resolution

  29. The Right to Challenge a Probation Fee Forfeited by Silence?

  30. Medical Marijuana Cultivation Expert Disqualified at Trial

  31. If Child Witness Refuses to Testify, 6th Amendment Violated?

  32. In Selecting a Jury, Should One Google Potential Jurors?

  33. If Jury Not Instructed on Provocation Defense, Reversal?
  34. Did the Judge Discharge a Juror and You Were Convicted?
  35. Why Is Trial So Expensive? Why Can’t It Cost $1,000?
  36. What’s Second Chance Women’s Re-Entry Court? Who’s Eligible?
  37. What Is Drug Court? Who Is Eligible and Ineligible?
  38. What Is the Sentenced Offender Drug Court (SODC)? Diversion?
  39. What Is Co-Occurring Disorders Court (CODC)? Jail Involved?
  40. May a Judge Limit Voir Dire to 25 Minutes in a Murder Trial?
  41. I Want to Change the Courthouse (Venue) for My Case. Can I?
  42. How Do I Prevent My Prior Conviction from Being Impeachment?
  43. I’m Going to Lie in Court – What Happens If I’m Caught?
  44. The Prosecutor Was Unethical in Trial and Won – Now Appeal?
  45. Can One Demurrer to a Criminal Complaint? On What Basis?
  46. What Are Some Affirmative Defenses for a Preliminary Hearing?
  47. What Is the Corpus Delicti Rule About Sufficient Evidence?
  48. Ten Motions That May Be Made at a Preliminary Hearing
  49. Procedure for Identifying & Questioning Witnesses to a Crime
  50. Reversal for Inaccurate Description of Reasonable Doubt?
  51. Can I Get a Copy of My File from the Court and If So, How?
  52. Eleven Common Criminal Law Motions to Consider Early
  53. Six Motions to Consider Filing for Rulings Before Trial
  54. May a Judge Exclude My Family from the Courtroom in Trial?
  55. What Rights Do Pro Per Defendants Have for Their Defense?
  56. How and When Does One Seek a Continuance of a Hearing?
  57. Do You Need a Hearing Delayed for More Time to Prepare?
  58. Are You Missing an Important Witness for a Hearing?
  59. When Can One Disqualify a Judge from Hearing a Case?
  60. What Is an Extradition Hearing and How to Fight Extradition
  61. Is a Prior Arrest (Only) Admissible to Impeach Defendant?
  62. If Representing Oneself, Ten Things to Never Say in Court
  63. Can a Judge Order a Wife to Testify Against Her Husband?
  64. Why Use an Eyewitness Identification Expert at Trial?
  65. How to Prevent the Admission of Photographic Evidence?
  66. What Can I Do to Keep Out a Confession or an Admission?
  67. What’s the Insufficient Evidence Standard in a 995 Motion?
  68. What Are Some Common Sufficiency of Evidence Issues?
  69. What Are the 5 Factors the Judge Considers to Change Venue?
  70. If You Had to Hire an Attorney, What Would You Want Done?
  71. Is Voir Dire Now Better Described As Voir Google?
  72. In Selecting a Jury, Who Is an Ineligible Juror and Why?
  73. Can a Judge Halt Trial Part Way If Defendant Acts Odd?
  74. Be Careful About Being Granted Immunity and Not Testifying
  75. What Is Second Call? Will the Judge or Prosecutor Be Mad?
  76. Can a Criminal Defendant Request New Counsel Anytime?
  77. Which Court Is Proper If Crime Occurs on a Moving Train?
  78. No Cash Bail & Arraignment Deadline for One in Custody
  79. Defendant’s Right Not to Testify & Not Take the Stand
  80. If Jurors Discuss Defendant Not Testifying, Prejudice?
  81. New Laws for Jury Selection (CCP 222.5) Effective in 2019
  82. Will They File a Case? If No, Why Not? If Yes, Why?
  83. Should I Go to Court with My Attorney Even If Not Required?
  84. Why One Should Not Represent Oneself If Charged with a Crime
  85. Can False Testimony Support Habeas Corpus Relief?
  86. Is It a Crime to Talk in Court with Someone in Custody?
  87. What Is Evidence Code § 1161(b) and When Does It Apply?
  88. Why Is Credibility Important in a Criminal Case?
  89. Did the Prosecutor Threaten Perjury If Defendant Testifies?
  90. What is the Official Records Hearsay Exception (EC § 1280)?
  91. Latest U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Racism in Picking a Jury
  92. Is Federal Court Routine Policy of Shackling Constitutional?
  93. Conviction Reversed for Girlfriend’s Tirade to Jury?
  94. Convictions Reversed When Prosecutor Misstates Law


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