Bench Warrant Recall Case Results
The following case summaries for matters involving an outstanding bench warrant are offered merely as a summary of what did occur in a prior case.
While they do have some predictive value toward what another judge may do, no two cases are exactly the same and other factors such as: 1) the judge’s demeanor; 2) the reason for the bench warrant being issued at all; 3) the prosecutor’s opinions about the case, including whether a deal reached was particularly generous to defendant; 4) how the client appears in court (well dressed, well groomed) or is brought to court through an arrest; 5) the rapport our office had with the judge and/or prosecutor; 6) how long the bench warrant was outstanding; 7) what the bail amount is on the bench warrant, if any bail is set; 8) the reason the client offers for the failure to appear in court; and 9) the client’s criminal history (especially including whether the client has had any prior bench warrants and when) are just some of the factors that cannot be quantified and will vary by case.
Torrance Superior Courthouse
Consequently, we recommend that no particular case summary be construed as a guarantee or predictor of how your bench warrant may be handled, if you face a bench warrant. In one case where one was reinstated on probation with no extra punishment, another case with seemingly the same facts may result in prison time being imposed.
We further recommend that if a defendant knows why a bench warrant was issued, that the defendant appear in court, either personally or through counsel (when allowed), with “presents” for the judge, i.e. payment of an overdue court fine, proof of completion of community service, proof of payment of a booking fee, or anything else that shows the client is serious about really completing the terms of probation.
In addition, if there is a genuine, valid excuse for why the client was unable to appear in court, it is wise to bring documentation of the hospital records, the funeral pamphlet, etc., to show the failure to appear was not willful.
If you want to read about our bench warrant recall cases, please click on the links below to go to a list of detailed cases.
- Redondo Beach, Third Time DUI, Plea to First Time DUI Terms
- Palos Verdes Estates, DUI & Resisting Arrest, Dismissal
- Santa Clarita, 0.13% BAC, Plea to Wet Reckless (VC 23103)
- Downey – DUI Dismissed on Motion for Denial of Speedy Trial
- Inglewood, Felony Domestic Violence Reduced to Misdemeanor
- Torrance, Possession of Meth for Sales; Plea to Possession
- Airport Courthouse, Felony Grand Theft from Employer, $4,175
- Van Nuys, Shoplifting in 1999, Bench Warrant until 2019
- Long Beach, Bench Warrant for 4 Years for 14601.2 for DUI
- Westminster, Two Bench Warrants for 14601.1, Diversion
- Bench Warrant Since 2005, Case Dismissed in 2015, Compton
- Los Angeles, Driving on a Suspended License, Client in NYC
- Manhattan Beach, Vandalism of Hotel, Donation & Dismissal
- Long Beach, Six Year Old Bench Warrant on Third Time DUI
- Torrance, Probation Violation (PC 166(a)), Probation
- Torrance, Bench Warrant for 9 Years on DV Case, No Jail
- Pomona, Bench Warrant From 1982, Bail Granted, Time Served
- West Covina, Prop 36 Violation in 2005, Dismissal in 2015
- Torrance, DUI Probation Violation, VC 14601 Bench Warrant
- Probation Violation, Drug Sales, No Jail, Airport Courthouse
- Redondo Beach, DUI Probation Violation for 16 Years
- Torrance Probation Violation, Client in State Prison
- Probation Violation Hearing, Long Beach, No Punishment
- East Los Angeles Probation Violation, DUI, 12 Year Warrant
- Fullerton, DUI Probation Violation, 4 Year Bench Warrant
- Long Beach, Client Does Zero NA Meetings in 18 Months
- Probation Violation, Metro Court, 2001 & 2003 Bench Warrants
- Van Nuys Probation Violation on DUI, Bench Warrant 4 Years
- Probation Violation, Torrance, Bench Warrant for 9 Years
- Probation Violation, Long Beach, 16 Year Bench Warrant
- Mohave, Expungement of Failure to Appear Conviction
- Client Living in New Mexico, Bench Warrant, Torrance Case
- 2007 DUI, Metro Courthouse, Bench Warrant, Expungement
- Bench Warrant, Felony Transportation, Reduced to Misdemeanor
- Bench Warrant, Torrance, Early End to Probation, Expungement
- Prop 47 Applied in Long Beach to H & S 11350 Conviction
- Compton, 13-Year Bench Warrant Recalled in 415(2) Case
- Torrance, Bench Warrant After Plea to DUI, Client in Mexico
- Lancaster, Bench Warrant Outstanding for 13 Years, Recalled
- Felony Bench Warrant from 2003 Recalled, Client in Florida
- Nine-Year Bench Warrant, Torrance, Three 273.6(a) Charges
- El Monte, Bench Warrant Recall from 2008 Case, Fees Waived
- Felony Bench Warrant from 1990 Recalled, 977(b)(2), CCB
- 1994 Felony Bench Warrant, Recalled, 977(b)(2), Dismissal
- Westminster, 4 Bench Warrants, Four 647(b) Cases Dismissed
- Nineteen Year Bench Warrant Recalled, Compton, Fare Evasion
- Arrest Warrant, 2010 Torrance Domestic Violence, Dismissed
- Bench Warrant from 2013 Recalled, Burbank 647(b), Dismissal
- Bench Warrant, Public Urination Santa Monica, Airport Court
- Bench Warrant from 2013 DUI Recalled, West Covina Court
- 11 Year Bench Warrant Recalled, Van Nuys Shoplifting
- Bench Warrant, Van Nuys, Solicitation of Prostitution
- Bench Warrant for 20 Years After First-Time DUI, Downey
- Client in Middle East, 9 Year Bench Warrant Recalled
- Van Nuys Escort Without a License, Bench Warrant Since 2005
- Long Beach, Failure to Register (PC 290(b)), Dismissed
- Eleven Year Bench Warrant, Public Urination, Hermosa Beach