Our client was allegedly involved in a hit and run collision in the early morning hours while driving eastbound on the I-105 Freeway through Compton. The alleged victim vehicle was being driven eastbound as well, just before the 105 reaches Long Beach Boulevard when another vehicle, a black Escalade, not our client’s, violently struck the victim from behind.
Without All the Details, What Happened? Compton hit & run on 105 freeway, client on probation already, delayed entry of plea, five days of community service and case dismissed.
The accident occurred at about 2:00 a.m. and our client watched the collision of the two other vehicles, as it took place about 100 feet in front of her and one lane over to her right. She had an unobstructed view of the crash. The Escalade then sped off at a high rate of speed. Our client did not speed away. She remained the only car behind the victim’s car.
The victim told police officers that our client and he then drove south bound onto the I-710 Freeway and together exited on Alondra Boulevard, whereupon they pulled over and stopped in a parking lot. This description of events suggested our client was cooperating with the victim to exchange insurance information, certainly not what one would expect if one intended to “run” as in committing a hit and run.
The victim then described a convoluted scenario where he and our client discussed the case and, in response, our client got in her car and sped away, refusing to provide her name or phone number.
During this supposed discussion, the victim recorded our client’s license plate. The victim was not injured.
The victim then called the police, reported our client’s license plate number and our client was charged with violating Vehicle Code § 20002(a) (Hit-and-Run), a misdemeanor.
Complicating matters, our client was on probation for a possession of marijuana conviction (pre-Prop 64 legalizing adult possession of marijuana for personal use) at the time of the supposed accident and the hit and run constituted a probation violation, exposing our client to up to one year in county jail.
Greg Hill from Greg Hill & Associates met with the client, who brought the police report with her. Greg then asked to look at her car, which had not been repaired or altered since the date of the alleged accident. Our client’s car did have some front-end damage, but she attributed this to a collision she had with a fire hydrant and indeed, the paint transfer showed yellow paint on her car. There was no transfer of white paint onto our client’s dark blue Ford Explorer. The victim’s car was white.

Greg then contacted the District Attorney assigned to the case, as well as the insurance company for our client, to provide photographs to show that our client was not involved in a hit and run the night of the accident. The photographs of our client’s car showed no white paint transfer between the two cars as one would expect to see if the alleged victim was telling the truth.
Furthermore, the victim’s car did not show dark blue paint transfer, although it did show black paint transfer. The insurance company also took a recorded statement of the alleged victim which also contradicted the police report.
Assembling and evaluating this evidence for the District Attorney, Greg Hill negotiated a plea bargain for our client where she delayed entry of her plea, was assigned five (5) days of approved community service and a nominal fine, and if she completed the community service and paid the fine, the case would be dismissed, which it was.
The client agreed to the plea bargain because the only alternative was trial, which was risky because the jury or the judge might believe the alleged victim, especially if he fabricated a story to rationalize the photographs that we had taken.
This plea bargain for our client prevented our client from being violated in her probation for possession of marijuana. The client was grateful for Greg’s active immersion in the facts and aggressive representation of her by inspecting her car and noticing that the alleged victim did not seem to be telling the truth.
For more information about hit and run, probation violations and diversion, click on the following articles:
- Felony Hit & Run Charges Involving Injury or Death Often Depends on Willfulness of Conduct
- What Punishment Do I Face for a Probation Violation?
- What Is Diversion, Delayed Entry of Plea and Deferred Entry of Judgment?
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