Santa Ana Central Justice Center
700 Civic Center Drive WestSanta Ana, CA 92701Orange County(657) 622-6878Court Information(657) 622-8459Criminal Clerk's Office
(657) 622-8459Traffic Clerk's Office(657) 622-6878Civil Clerk's Office
Cities Served: Orange, Santa Ana, Tustin, Villa Park and all Orange County cities for various felony and mental health hearings. In addition to the cities listed, limited civil and small claims cases include the cities of Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Westminster (includes surrounding areas). Unlimited civil includes all cities and unincorporated areas of Orange County.
General Parking: Public parking is available in parking lots found around the courthouse. There is also a large parking garage for court patrons.
Below is a Google Map to the Santa Ana Central Justice Center.