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Case Results on Civil Restraining Orders

Please click on our civil restraining order cases and read a detailed description of each case.

  1. Lomita, Judge Grants Our Client's Order Versus Neighbor

  2. Santa Monica, Judge Denies Order Versus Our Client

  3. Torrance, Denial of Order for Ex-Wife Versus Our Client

  4. Torrance, Ex-Boyfriend's Order Versus Our Client Denied

  5. Long Beach, Bar Patron's Order Versus Our Client Denied

  6. Wilmington, Neighbor’s Order denied Against Our Client

  7. Harbor City, Ex-Wife Withdraws Order Against Our Client

  8. San Pedro, Parking Rights Dispute, Judge Denies Order

  9. Santa Monica, Dog Poop Issue, Attorney Fees Awarded

  10. Civil Restraining Order Request Against Our Client Denied

  11. Compton, Our Client Defeats Ex-Wife’s Order Sought

  12. Santa Monica, Restraining Order Denied Against Our Client

  13. Palos Verdes, Our Client Gets Order Against Attorney

  14. Compton, Client Defeats Order Sought by Parent of Ex

  15. Norwalk, Employer vs Employee Restraining Order Denied
  16. Whittier, Petition for Restraining Order, Cousin vs. Cousin
  17. Restraining Order Dismissed, Lamoreaux Justice Center
  18. Pasadena, Civil Restraining Order Against Our Client Denied
  19. Torrance, Ex-Employee Stalking Employer, Order Granted
  20. Gardena Neighbors, Civil Restraining Harassment Order Win
  21. Santa Monica, Client Says “I Will Kill You,” Order Denied
  22. Civil Restraining Order Request, Torrance, Dismissed

Anyone who reads more than one or two of the above case results will see that there are several distinct areas of civil restraining orders. Shown above are three categories: 1) a domestic violence or threats of violence or abuse situation; 2) a neighbor, roommate or distant family member situation; and 3) as employment or workplace violence situation. There is a fourth category not shown in a summary above and is the elder abuse or dependent adult abuse situation.

The domestic violence or threats of domestic violence or abuse situation is by far the most common reason for someone to seek a civil restraining order.

Often, the police suggest or recommend this after a person calls the police to report domestic violence. This can be a report of kicking, hitting, pushing, shoving, pulling hair, throwing things, abuse of family pets or even verbal abuse (including cyber bullying) between two people in or formerly in a romantic relationship.

Select Results on Civil Restraining Orders

The parties involved may be boyfriend-girlfriend (or soon to ex’s), husband-wife, gay lovers, ex-husband and ex-wife, unmarried parents of a child, or close family members even of the same sex, i.e. mother daughter. Family Code §§ 6200 - 6220 sets forth the relationships covered, as well as the types of conduct that such a civil restraining order can enjoin. Section 6320 sets for the types of conduct that can be ordered stopped by a judge, upon a showing of good cause, and 6321 includes provisions that allow a judge to order someone moved from the family home.

It is important to note that the request for a restraining order must not seek punishment for past acts, but must persuade the judge that if such an order is not ordered stopped, the type of conduct and danger at issue will continue into the future. Russell v. Douvan (2003) 112 Cal.App.4th 399.

The second type of restraining order that we commonly see filed or served upon a client is the neighbor versus neighbor, or unrelated (non-familial) roommate versus roommate or distant family member versus distant family member situation. There can be stalking, including cyber stalking, unlawful violence, trespassing or threats of violence made between the parties from situations involving parking, dog feces clean up, tree trimming, bright lights, loud noises, offensive odors or anything else that one might consider a nuisance or bother.

In this second type of situation, Civil Code § 527.6(b) applies, which requires that the party seeking the restraining order prove the situation exists by clear and convincing evidence. This is evidence that is strong and credible. It bears repeating that the petitioner needs to allege future harm if the order is not granted.

The third type of restraining order that is quite uncommon, but is sought occasionally, is one to stop workplace violence. The context of this is usually to prevent a recently fired employee from returning to the workplace to argue, harass, stalk, molest or commit physical violence. Civil Code § 527.8(b) covers the legal standard for such an order, which is clear and convincing evidence. It merits emphasizing that the petitioner for such an order must argue and persuade the judge that without the order, the future safety of the employee or employer is at risk.

image descriptionLong Beach Superior Courthouse

The last type of restraining order is the saddest type we see. It involves elder or adult dependent care abuse. This can take many contexts, but the most common is physical or financial abuse, however, it can also include neglect (or even deprivation by a caregiver of basic services that result in physical, mental or emotional suffering), abduction, isolation and prescription drug abuse. To qualify as an elder person one must be 65 years old or older. To be a dependent adult, one must have mental or physical disabilities.

Welfare & Institutions Code § 15610.07 covers the types of abuse, but Civil Code § 527.9 addresses the legal standard. There must be immediate and present danger, proven by clear and convincing evidence.

In all of these scenarios, the testimony of each party is likely to be emotional and susceptible to credibility issues, so judges do appreciate witnesses and attorneys who tailor their presentation to the legal standards that apply and are respectful of the judge’s time.

For more information about restraining orders, click on the following articles:

  1. What Punishment Do I Face for Violating a Restraining Order?

  2. Ten Year Restraining Order Proper for Mother Who Stalks Husband and Scares Daughter

  3. I Face a Civil Restraining Order for Domestic Violence and a Criminal Charge of Domestic Violence – What Should I Do?

Watch our video about restraining orders by clicking here.

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Client Reviews
"Thank you so much for putting so much effort in this case. We really appreciate it and we are happy that all turned out well." S.A., Torrance
"Greg Hill did an outstanding job on every level. He was efficient, thorough, knowledgeable, courteous, responsive & brilliant. He welcomed my input and my concerns. . . from the first conversation to the last - I always felt 'it mattered' to him." S.C., Rolling Hills Estates
"Thanks again for your hard work. We want you to know that we are very appreciative of all that you have done [on our son's] behalf. With warmest regards." L.H., Torrance
"Dear Greg, Thank you again for all your help. Your professionalism and thoroughness is greatly admired. I will definitely recommend you to my friends if they ever need legal help." V.L., Carson
"Thanks for investing in my case. I talked to other attorneys out there and they had an arms-length of attitude, but not you. Your intensity and interest helped a lot." C.R., Pomona