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Articles by Topic or Issue (Military / Veterans - Miscellaneous)

Military / Veterans

  1. Diversion Programs in California for Armed Forces Veterans

  2. Sentencing Alternatives for Military Veterans (PC § 1170.9)

  3. DUI Double Jeopardy: Is Military NJP a Bar to Civilian Case?

  4. Is Diversion Available for Veterans for a DUI?  Yes

  5. What Is Veterans Court? Who Is Eligible? How Does It Work?

  6. I Am a Veteran Facing a Criminal Case – Can I Get VA Help?

  7. AB 865 – Recall & Resentencing for Military Veterans
  8. Resentencing for Military Veterans Under PC 1170.91(b)
  9. What is Penal Code 1170.91(h) for Veterans? When to Apply?
  10. Resentencing Military Veterans, Indeterminate Sentences?
  11. Penal Code § 1170.91(b) Resentencing (AB 865) Limitations
  12. Can Romero Motion Bypass 1170.91 Determinate Sentence Rule?

Miscellaneous / Offenses & Laws

Miscellaneous Laws

  1. Ten New Laws for 2012 to Consider for Criminal Consequences

  2. Thirteen New Crime-Related Laws Becoming Effective in 2013

  3. New Crime Related Laws for 2015 to Keep in Mind Now

  4. What Is an Ex Post Fact Law and When Can It Matter?

  5. AB 2124 - Court Diversion Program in LA County

  6. What Is Marsy’s Law and What Does It Provide a Victim?

  7. Arrested by the CHP, But No Case Filed?  DOJ Record Updated?

  8. Should I Sign the Prop 63 Firearm Relinquishment Form?

  9. How Does AB 1008 Help Job Applicants with Criminal Records?

  10. What Is the Consumer Arrest Equity Act, SB 393?

  11. What Is SB358 and How Does It Change PC 290 Registration?

  12. Fourteen New Criminal Laws to Take Effect in 2019
  13. Nine Criminal Laws Changed, Effective January 1, 2019
  14. Four New Post-Conviction Relief Laws Effective in 2019
  15. What Does the New Social Host Law in Palos Verdes Say?
  16. What Are the Important New Criminal Laws for 2020?
  17. What is a Writ of Coram Nobis? What is Required in It?
  18. Writ of Coram Nobis Denied When No New Fact Presented.
  19. What Are Some Post Conviction Options to Consider?
  20. New Criminal Laws for 2021 – Seven that Really Matter
  21. What is Required for Franklin Evidence Preservation?
  22. What is the Fugitive Disentitlement Doctrine (FDD)?
  23. Equal Protection, Similarly Situated, Disparate Effect
  24. Nine New Noteworthy Criminal Law Laws for 2022
  25. Defendant’s Judicial Bias Claim Involving DA Denied
  26. Eleven New Crime Related Laws Effective in 2023
  27. New Laws in 2023 for E-Bikes, Sideshows and Police

Miscellaneous Offenses

  1. What Is False Imprisonment (Penal Code § 236)? Defenses?

  2. What Is Trespassing (Penal Code § 602)? Defenses? Punishments?

  3. What Is Tampering with a Vehicle (Vehicle Code § 10852)?

  4. What Happens for Being a Minor in Possession of Alcohol?

  5. What Is Sales to Minors – for Alcohol?  For Tobacco?

  6. What Is Disturbing the Peace (Penal Code § 415)? Defenses?

  7. Disturbing the Peace Sentence of 25- Year-to-Life? Really?

  8. Disturbing the Peace Case Not a First Amendment Violation

  9. What Is Being an Accessory in Assisting Parolee Abscond?

  10. Aiding & Abetting Reversed When DA Withholds Rap Sheet

  11. Fish and Game Violation? It May Become a Federal Case!

  12. What Happens If I Made a False 911 Call?  Jail?  Prison?

  13. What Is Child Endangerment, PC 273a? Defenses? Punishment?

  14. Caught for Taking Undersized Lobsters? Punishment? Defenses?

  15. What Is Unlawful Use of Tear Gas (Penal Code § 22810(g)(1))?

  16. What Is Furnishing Alcohol to a Minor (B & P 25658(a))?

  17. What Is the Punishment & Defenses to Having a Fake ID?

  18. What Is Bigamy (Penal Code §§ 281 to 284)?  Punishment?
  19. A Civil Compromise No Longer Applies in a Hit and Run?
  20. Criminal Consequences for Unpaid Child or Spousal Support?
  21. When is a Dismissal via Civil Compromise Not Allowed?
  22. Dismissal in the Interests of Justice (Penal Code § 1385)?
  23. Secretly Recorded Admission in a Phone Call – Useable?
  24. Convicted Twice for Once Carrying Concealed Firearm?


  1. What Should I Ask Before Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney?

  2. Why Hire Greg Hill & Associates?  Why Not Hire Someone Else?

  3. What Is the General Sequence of Events in a Felony Case?

  4. What’re the Phases of a Misdemeanor Case?  What Happens When?

  5. What Information Should I Expect in a Free Consultation?

  6. Can an Attorney Guarantee a Result in a Criminal Case?

  7. My Car Was Towed – How Do I Get It Out of Impound?

  8. What Is an Office Hearing?  Is This Good?  How Long Is It?

  9. Why Is Trial So Expensive?  Why Can’t It Cost $1,000?

  10. What Is Veterans Court? Who Is Eligible? How Does It Work?

  11. What’s Second Chance Women’s Re-Entry Court? Who’s Eligible?

  12. What Is Co-Occurring Disorders Court (CODC)? Jail Involved?

  13. My Attorney Won’t Do What I Tell Him to Do – Fire Him?

  14. I Received a Subpoena – What Should I Do? Ignore It?

  15. I Got a Subpoena; Am I Too Far Away?  Do I Get Witness Fees?

  16. I Was Arrested, But Not Cited and Released – Illegal?

  17. Procedure for Identifying & Questioning Witnesses to a Crime

  18. When Can a Deposition Be Taken in a Criminal Case?

  19. How Broad Is Brady?  Exculpatory and Impeachment Material?

  20. What Is a Motion to Obtain Privileged Psychiatric Records?

  21. A Second Dismissal of a Felony Case?  Can We Celebrate?

  22. My 995 Motion Was Improperly Denied.  What Can I Do?

  23. Is Innocence Required for Malpractice Action for an SVP?

  24. Can I Sue My Criminal Defense Attorney for Malpractice?

  25. What Can One Do to Minimize Prejudicial Case Publicity?

  26. What Information May an Attorney Disclose in a Pending Case?

  27. Can I Get a Copy of My File from the Court and If So, How?

  28. Can a Defendant Choose the Judge for a Marsden Hearing?

  29. Penal Code § 1385 – What Is Required?  The Limits?

  30. What Is Discriminatory Prosecution? What Is a Murgia Motion?

  31. You Want to File a Motion to Change the Prosecutor?

  32. Are You the Target of Vindictive or Retaliatory Prosecution?

  33. When Can One Disqualify a Judge from Hearing a Case?

  34. What Are Proper Grounds to Disqualify a Judge for Cause?

  35. How Can One Challenge an Erroneous Photo Identification?

  36. How Can I Challenge a One-Person Showup That Identified Me?

  37. Why Won’t the Police Give Me a Copy of the Police Report?

  38. I’m a Victim of Identity Theft – How Can I Fix This Mess?

  39. When Is a Pre-Trial Identification Unduly Suggestive?

  40. I Was Convicted of a Felony – When & How Can I Vote?
  41. Can I Serve on a Jury After Being a Convicted Felon?
  42. What Are My Rights of Employment As a Convicted Felon?
  43. When Are Polygraph (Lie Detectors) Results Admissible?
  44. 8 Crimes That Lead to Suspension of One’s Driver’s License
  45. What Is Collateral Estoppel and When Does It Apply?
  46. When Is Evidence of Silence Not an Adoptive Admission?
  47. Double Jeopardy? Murder Charge After Plea to Accessory
  48. Is Failure to Testify Overt Act, Accessory After Fact?
  49. When Does Successive Petition Bar Habeas Petition?
  50. Writ of Habeas Corpus Granted When DA Says Issue Moot.
  51. Subpoena Facebook & 7-Factor Alhambra v. Superior Court Test
  52. Case Dismissed by Judge During Trial for Brady Violations
  53. Breaking a Phone – Dissuading a Witness (PC 136.1)?
  54. Change of Venue Based on Heinous Crimes Alleged?
  55. State of Mind Exception to Prior Uncharged Acts Evidence.
  56. Does Wende Apply to Appeal Denying 1170.95 Relief?
  57. Conviction for Recording Confidential Communications?
  58. Opening the Door on Character Evidence (Evidence Code 1102(a))?
  59. Penal Code 632.7, Unlawfully Recording Communications
  60. Improper Photo Lineup: When is it Unduly Suggestive?
  61. What Are Improper Grounds for Dismissal under PC 1385?
  62. When Does the Marital Privilege End During Divorce?
  63. AB 124: Intimidate Partner Violence or Sexual Violence
  64. Motion to Vacate Denied Under PC 1473.7(a)(1) Affirmed
  65. I Want to Appeal, But How?  When?  Deadlines?
  66. Appeals: In an Opening Brief, What Should be Stated?
  67. Helpful Information About Subpoenas for Documents & Videos
  68. The Right to Subpoena Electronically Stored Information
  69. Taking a Deposition in a Criminal Case Out of State
  70. What is a Petition for a Writ of Coram Vobis?
  71. Police Report Wrongly Excluded as Double Hearsay
  72. Manhattan Beach May Not Restrict Short Term RentalsInsert Link
  73. State Court Prisoner Seeking Federal Habeas Relief
  74. Is Pro Per Filing OK in Post-Conviction Relief Appeal?
  75. Can a Judge Grant a Motion if the Case Was Dismissed?
  76. Improper Venue in Orange County Based on Evidence
  77. Does California Shield Law Protect Recordings of DA?
  78. Excuse Juror Who Thinks Courts Treat Black Unfairly
  79. Motion to Recuse and Disqualify a Civil Case by DA?
  80. Lawyer Did Not Get School & Jail Records – IAC?
  81. Return of Cash from Police When No Forfeiture Action
  82. Black Lives Matter Motion to Recuse DA Proper
  83. Parolee Rights at a Parole Rescission Hearing
  84. Exhausting Administrative Remedies for Prisoner
  85. No Cumulative Prejudice Shown for Habeas Petition
  86. Two-Year Deadline for Petition for Factual Innocence
  87. Habeas Denied Despite Letters Saying Another Shooter
  88. Conviction for Dissuading a Victim or Witness Affirmed
  89. How to Avoid a Fish & Game §§ 2001 or 2002 Lobster Case
  90. Attorney-Client Privilege Does Not Protect Everything
  91. Landlords May Ask for Criminal Histories of Tenants
  92. Factual Innocence Found Under Penal Code 1473.7(a)(2)
  93. How to Untangle Theft of Your Identity in a Crime
  94. When Must a Complaint Allege Aggravating Factors?
  95. Your Rights After Your Car is Impounded – VC 22852


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Client Reviews
"Thank you so much for putting so much effort in this case. We really appreciate it and we are happy that all turned out well." S.A., Torrance
"Greg Hill did an outstanding job on every level. He was efficient, thorough, knowledgeable, courteous, responsive & brilliant. He welcomed my input and my concerns. . . from the first conversation to the last - I always felt 'it mattered' to him." S.C., Rolling Hills Estates
"Thanks again for your hard work. We want you to know that we are very appreciative of all that you have done [on our son's] behalf. With warmest regards." L.H., Torrance
"Dear Greg, Thank you again for all your help. Your professionalism and thoroughness is greatly admired. I will definitely recommend you to my friends if they ever need legal help." V.L., Carson
"Thanks for investing in my case. I talked to other attorneys out there and they had an arms-length of attitude, but not you. Your intensity and interest helped a lot." C.R., Pomona